Aeffe’s net income soars in Q1

Aeffe’s net income soars in Q1

Translated by

Nicola Mira

AeffeAlberta FerrettiMoschinoPolliniJeremy Scott

The Fall/Winter 2022-23 show by Alberta Ferretti – © PixelFormula

In Q1, all performance indicators for the group based in San Giovanni in Marignano, near Rimini
Geographically, Aeffe’s results mirror the current global economic situation: the group slowed down in Asia, and especially in China, owing to the lockdowns imposed in several major cities, including Shanghai, due to Covid-19’s renewed spread. In Asia, which accounts for 17.3% of total revenue, sales fell by 1.2%, down to €17.6 million, compared to Q1 2021. But Aeffe grew the share of its business accounted for by the USA, now 9.5% compared to 6.7% as of December 31 2021. Sales in the country skyrocketed, growing 88.3% at constant exchange rates, to €9.6 million.

In Italy, the group’s main market, accounting for 41% of total revenue, sales were worth €42.7 million, up by 24.6% “thanks to excellent results in the wholesale channel, but also in retail sales.”  In Europe, excluding Italy, a region that accounts for almost a third of Aeffe’s revenue, sales soared by 37.5% to €31.5 million, again thanks to the wholesale channel, particularly in Germany and the UK.

“The first quarter of 2022 confirmed the trends of the financial year 2021, with a significant growth in revenue and a more than proportional progression in profitability. The results were obtained thanks to the good performance of all our brands and to the benefits related to the structural efficiency of the business model implemented over the last two years,” said Aeffe’s executive chairman Massimo Ferretti, who also mentioned that orders for the new collections are up by 9%, “despite the uncertainty linked to the geopolitical tensions caused by the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.”

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